Thursday, November 1, 2012


A bus full of people with whom I was traveling was leaving without me. I ran outside to tell them to stop, but saw that if I ran, they would easily be gone before I could catch them. So I decided to fly over. I leapt and took off, flying low above the ground towards the bus, which was just starting to pull through the driveway. The bus turned down the driveway, somewhat towards me, so I adjusted my direction, and thought to myself that I should just ask the driver where their next stop would be, and then plan to fly and catch up with them after I was done here. But then, as I was correcting my course to fly towards them, a giant wind picked up and held me back. It was a strong wind across my face and body, and it blew me back to being awake.

This is the only time in a dream that I can recall that there has been real wind.

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